Friday, March 28, 2014

In Focus

My photography group challenged itself to taking out of focus shots this week.  While I found this extremely challenging for my "left-brained" self, I did take a few pics of the girls playing in the process which I do like.  They're not quite oof shots, but since I don't know the proper terminology for this kind of pic (which I've grown to love!), I thought I'd call them "In Focus".

Tea time!

High Five!


Little Piggies


  1. Lovely captures!!! My favorite is def the tea party one, well okay the baby feet are adorable too with awesome bokeh background!!

  2. Great captures! I love tea time the best.

  3. Awesome, DOF shots!! Love the little feet!

  4. The tea party shot is awesome...beautiful dof!

  5. I love the first and last so much!! They both have so much life in them :) So happy to hear you loved the challenge as much as I did :)

  6. I like the first and last ones best. I like the focus, and story telling of each.
